Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors plays a central role in the corporate governance system of Ozon, being entrusted with powers regarding the strategic, organizational and control aspects of Ozon’s business operations. In view of its role, the Board of Directors meets at regular intervals and operates in such manner so as to ensure the effective performance of its functions. The Board of Directors has nine members, including four independent directors, four non-executive directors and one executive director.

The Board of Directors has established three committees: the audit committee, the compensation committee and the nominating committee. The audit committee and the nominating committee consist exclusively of independent directors. The compensation committee consists of three independent directors, one of whom acts as a chairperson, and two non-executive directors.

Management Board

Since April 2022 the Ozon Group no longer has a Chief Executive Officer. Ozon is managed by the Management Board which consists of the key members of the Ozon's management team. The collegial body is responsible for approving strategic decisions related to Ozon's development and operations by a simple majority vote.

Documents and Charters

Anti-Bribery And Corruption Policy


List of Inside Information Ozon Holdings PLC


Code of Corporate Ethics and Business Conduct

Articles of Association


Audit Committee Charter


Compensation Committee Charter

Nominating Committee Charter


Internal Audit Charter


Regulations on Corporate Secretary


Dividend Policy

The Company has never declared or paid dividends  

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